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If you would like access to other areas of this website please email Benjy Bleser - a password will be sent to you upon approval. Thank you.

Benjy's Website
Benjy Bleser

Welcome to My Site

Welcome to my personal website! Over the years I've been involved with several different activities and projects, both professional and personal. It's hard to believe has been in existence since 1999! Back then my friends and I used it as a message board, then I started creating fantasy sports sites, a golf site, a scheduling site - all spun off of the domain

I've updated the site to make it more functional, easier to read, and also web responsive. You'll find a little bit of everything on here - web development, sports, fantasy sports games, and information about me!

Some of the information on this site is password protected. If you would like access just email Benjy Bleser and if you're approved I will send you the password.

Also, for those of you interested in software development, coding, etc. please visit My Blog